Sunday, October 29, 2006


We took an Eco Tour Boat Ride on a tributary river leading to the St. Johns river.

We saw lots of Birds & Gators.


Gator Jerry & Andy were about 50 yards
from gator in there Kayaks, rented
@ DeLeon Springs


DeLeon Springs


Birthday Party Oct.20,2006
Cattle Baron Club
Katie Belle

Breakfeast @ DeLeon Springs Oct.21,2006

Ethel's Birthday Party--80 years young.

Left to right, Grandson Andy & Wife, Colorado , Jerry, son in law, Illinois Sandy, niece, Arz. , Diane, daughter, Illinois , The Birthday girl Ethel, Paul,nephew & wife Karen,
Diane & her husband were the first guest to arrive on Oct. 17th which is Ethel's birthday. The party lasted a week. Sandy stayed with us, the rest of the group came in on the Villages Program. Oct. 24th every one departed. BEST PARTY I EVER ATTENED. NEED TO TURN 80 EVERY YEAR. HA !Posted by Picasa